Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Resetting, reaffirming

Historically, I've used this blog to work out some of my own understanding and learning about my professional life. For a while, that was all about working toward a cloud-first approach while at an institution that was very much on-premise. Later, it became more about the role of the CIO and leadership issues overall.

I'm now unemployed for the first time in twenty-five years without knowing what my next opportunity will be. In the meantime, I'm doing a lot of reading, from Google's Site Reliability Engineering book to back issues of Harvard Business Review, all to keep my brain engaged in the kinds of work to which I'll eventually return. This space can then be a scratchpad of sorts -- a place for me to synthesize what I'm reading and form an informed perspective for future reference.

If you happen to read this blog, thanks for indulging this approach. Hopefully some conversations emerge from the topics -- I look forward to it.